Saturday, April 30, 2016


In the summer of 2014 my friend Mary had a space at the community gardens that are located approximately 5 miles from our home. I believe at the end of that gardening season I suggested to her that she use a space at our place which is only about a half mile from our house. With over two acres to play in, I think we could accommodate her garden boxes.

So, last year this is what her space looked like - 

While her plants were doing soon became apparent that the deer were enjoying the fruits of her labor more than she was. 

Earlier this year Tom suggested that we invite Mary to move her garden boxes over to where our boxes are. It was a suggestion that was well received. 

Now we are at the end of April and the move has been completed with the help of Mary's men (hubby & son).  Here is the private community garden space that I share with my awesomely sweet friend - 

Last week the big move was started by weeding and moving dirt. By the end of the morning Mary and Doug were able to move two of the boxes over. This week the task of moving the three larger boxes after emptying the soil was done. There was a break for lunch and then we all went back to work on different projects. 

Tom started up the rototiller and Evan was interested in trying to work that hurkin' hunk of machinery. After outfitting him in something other than his "good" shoes he got to work with Tom...

He did a pretty good job, and was able to do what I couldn't do. Which is keep control of the tiller and not let it get away.

Overall the day was good. We had some good conversation with good friends and very much enjoyed seeing what our property will be sometime in the future. I look forward to growing some good food and helping our neighbors in the process. With all that I currently have started we will have plenty to put on our table and share with those around us.

A small step toward community gardens!

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