Monday, May 2, 2016

It's Gonna Work!

Over the weekend we had a lot of outside time with having my friend Mary come over to finish up moving her garden boxes. While she was doing that I was making use of the Groop house even though it doesn't have walls yet. Right now I have some trays out and they have been pretty happy. I transplanted some of the bush beans into peat pots and they were happy happy! To me it looked like they grew in the afternoon. Love fresh beans!

This is from the upstair window - this makes my heart happy!
The panels will be purchased soonly and then the hot house will be ready to go! Well, after the panels are actually attached. That is another matter...

Right now everything is a learning opportunity and it has been fun! I am looking forward to experimenting with starting seeds in a protected space and growing things that like a lot of heat in this house. I think this year I will try out growing my salsa garden in there.

One of the possibilities is a community garden or something of that nature. So, Saturday afternoon my neighbor friend walked over to see what we were up to and had mentioned that one of the people that live in their subdivision noticed the activity at our house and asked if we were doing a community garden and she didn't say no...or yes...but she did think to herself, "Not for you" which I thought was pretty amusing.

So, our gardening has been noticed! Very interesting!! I'm gonna keep on dreaming and see what comes...

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