Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Gardens, Seedlings and Tall Grass

There has been little activity at our home the past few days. We took a trip to see the Mariners play in Seattle and my interest in the garden yesterday was very low. So, once I leave this place (work) I'll be good to go and see what's happening in the garden and the growing trays.

On Saturday I transplanted the Cherry Tomatoes into peat pots as well as the four Cabbage starts. During our absence they seemed to all get happy and look like they may have grown a little. Once they are big enough they will be relocated to their new home in the garden in the next couple of weeks.

This was taken on Saturday. As of yesterday they were looking VERY happy.
Mary's hubby and son were working on getting the soil back into the boxes while Mary & I were out doing our "Girl's Breakfast Club" thing which we started up this year. Trying to be intentional and making connections with some of  our not so close friends.


A lot of work happened while we were away. AND a lot was accomplished after we returned. Her garden boxes really add a community gardening feel to our space.

We are ready grow stuff!
While we were in Seattle Mary got some plants and put them in. Upon our return there was a 4 legged mooch sniffin' around. So we got the netting out and at least put it around the boxes that had new stuff in them to at the very least frustrate the deer. A mouth full of netting is not appetizing. Move on deer...nothing more for you to see here.

Gotta protect these guys!
I haven't had much of a problem around my stuff recently, but I only have a few things started and I am thinking that maybe the deer don't like greens that much. They may change their minds once the beans go in. My beans suffered a little last year. This year they will go out in the garden that will allow for them to thrive. Well that's the theory anyway.

A couple of random shots...

The mesclun is really starting to come on!

I love it when the seedlings start looking like what they are supposed to. This is Spinach - YUM!!
Very soonly, the field will be mowed for the first time. The deer hide out in the field when it gets tall and since we aren't always home we can't always keep an eye on what is happening outside. this the visits into the boxes and other tilled up spaces. Another solution that we have come up with would be to extend the fence that we built a couple of summers ago to enclose our garden boxes. The fence isn't as tall as it needs to be to keep the deer out, but it will slow them down a little (I hope). Also, I'm sure that the deer will continue to visit what is planted on the other side of the fence, but I'm not going to fret about that - just as long as our kitchen gardens are mostly left alone.

I plant to start a special space that has some taste treats on a different part of the property to see if the deer can be lured away from our gardens. All I need are plants/seeds and a little time to get that space started.

Garden season is looking good so far! It's been just about a month and so much has happened in that time. 


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