Monday, October 3, 2016

A Little Late or REALLY Early!

We ended up heading to the coast Friday and I had intended to do an early post on Thursday, but that didn't happen. Then I thought I might do a post when we came back on Saturday and then that didn't happen. Sundays are too busy to do what we think we might want to do so nothing again.

I have a total down day (mostly) today and am catching up on a couple of things. Posting here is one of them!

For some reason I thought about growing beans to store. So, after doing some research online to figure out what kind of beans to get, I finally decided on these beans that are called Tongues of Fire. I wasn't sure how to cultivate a dry bean so I just let the plants grow. As is turns out, it's not that hard and all I had to do is pick the pods when they are dry and brittle. They actually are still a little "fresh" after shelling them, but they dried up pretty quickly. Hoping that there will be enough still to harvest to make this year's effort worth it.

My fall crops are looking GREAT! I did transplant some of the seedlings into 4" pots at the end of last week and they are growing like crazy! The garden spot which I want to put my fall crops into is being prepared right now - I probably will get stuff in within the next couple of weeks. 

Took a walk around the garden and ended up harvesting a few items. This might be the last time I have a mini-bounty of items. I was surprised to find a few of the Shishito Peppers ready to pick. The few that I got will be it for the season. 

Since it took me awhile to find the plants that I did have I decided to try saving some of the seeds for next season. I haven't been able to find the seeds at the store and I haven't seen them offered in my favorite seed catalogs. Yet another experiment!

Look at this perfect tomato! I was getting ready to close up the Hoop House for the night and before I got to the door I spied this tomato hiding in almost plain sight! I never noticed it changing color - then BAM! Vine Ripened Goodness!

There are quite a few Roma tomatoes that are in different stages of ripening. I'm hoping for a lot at one time so I can make sauce - from my own garden to save for future use. 

As my summer crops are coming to an end, I look forward to getting the fall crops in and starting to harvest the greens in the weeks to come. The real test will be how many of my seedlings will survive the transition. This is my first time trying out fall crops. It has been exciting checking out the seedlings several times a week and seeing the growth. I am pretty confident with my skills with the summer garden. Now all I need to do is start incorporating succession planting. After I get that down I'll work on crop rotation. 

There is so much to learn! So much fun!!!

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