Friday, October 7, 2016

Okay...Update Day

Alright, I'm going to change my Friday post to my Update Day - even though we don't have a whole lot going on right now I kind of do.

Planting/Garden Update...

It has been raining here for most of the week. Not much was done as far as the garden is concerned. Although that is not entirely true - the space where I plan to put in the fall crops is ready to go. Maybe this weekend would be a good time to make that happen. We are still planning what to do, but at least that space is ready!

The seedlings have been growing like crazy and we went ahead and transplanted the Pac Choi and Chinese Cabbage into 4 inch pots until they get into the garden for real. I might have to spend some time cleaning up some stuff out of the boxes and planning where to put some of the plants and possibly sow some seeds just to experiment some more. Hoping that the weekend weather won't be as wet and that we could muck around looking at what to go ahead and pull up.

BUT here is what happened this week -

Pac Choi on the left and the other is the Chinese Cabbage
This was taken right after the plants got a good drink. The poor little plant in the upper right looked pretty bad. However, in 24 hours it looked so much better and bigger - like it might have grown! It certainly was much happier!

Project(s) update...

It's bubbling away like crazy and we have been having fun checking on it every few days or daily...yeah - it's more like a daily thing. It's just so cool to see it working away! I think it will take a good couple of weeks before it starts to look like the sauerkraut that I'm looking for. So far so good. I love to experiment!

I think it's been a while since the fence has seen any action, but it is slowly getting there. The portion closest to the house is getting closer to being tied in with the garage. It was the hardest section because of how close it is to the driveway. The far side of the fence will be a lot easier as it is between what we have cultivated as yard and where the field starts. We do need to do some planning as we hope to do chickens and would like to locate them behind the garage first. Once the fence goes in any chance to make a change will be considerably difficult to do so. Discussions shall commence!

Dreaming...(The dreaming -  oh my goodness)

I just picked up the latest Mother Earth News at Target this week. This is a great issue! The Urban Farmer (aka Curtis Stone) had a pretty extensive article on making this whole backyard gardening thing into a business of  sorts. Curtis Stone outlined 3 or 4  different marketing models for people (like me) who would like to take their hobby to the next level. Perhaps this could be a good part-time gig starting next spring.

Another cool thing that I saw in this issue was an article on Rocket Stoves. Goodness, it's not like we don't have other things todo or anything. I have had this vision to revamp the area that is between our yuck-o driveway and the house and make it a patio area. It would be a great spot to do a rocket stove for cooking dinner or just firing up on a chilly evening to sit nearby. Go here for an older article...

I have so many things that I want to do and the list just keeps getting longer. Too many resources with reading magazines, blogs and books on homesteading, market gardening etc. Also, watching Justin Rhodes and Art & Bri doesn't help one bit. There are so many good resources. Gotta ditch this 40-hour a week job somehow!

Hoping and praying that we can turn this hobby into more than a hobby!

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