Sunday, January 15, 2017

For Sale...

Since we are all about experimenting, I think we'll need to experiment with growing plants for sales. Last summer I order 100 four inch plastic pots with the intent to use for selling plants. As the seeds catalogs come in I'm looking forward to ordering seeds for the veggies/flowers/herbs that I'll be planting in our kitchen garden. I like to start more seeds than I need so why not try to sell the extras?!

Different stages of seedlings.
Along with the plastic pots I ordered a soil blocker - as per the example by Justin Rhodes and Eliot Coleman. Eliot Coleman is the Four Season Gardening guru as well as the host of a show that was on years ago called Gardening Naturally. Even back then, I could not have imagined that I would want to dive into market gardening as a way of life. I better slow down, I'm getting ahead of the plan here. 

If I do this right I can get at least 8 rows of 6 blocks into the plastic trays, maybe even 9 rows. Anyway, I can count on at just shy of 100 blocks and let's say that all of the blocks germinate and are healthy. After a few weeks those could be transplanted into the larger pots and we would have -

THEN after a few more weeks we might have some nice looking plants ready to peddle to people who want nice looking plants. 

Instead of transplanting to the garden, these could be transplanted to customer's hands!

Check them out HERE

I'm not a fan of using funky stuff in my soil mix so I wanted to choose my plant food carefully. We were tripping through Home Depot one afternoon and I knew that I needed some sort of plant food. I looked at all the different brands out there, all of the different forms of Miracle Grow, Preen, Alaska Fish Fertilizer, Jobes and more. I knew that I didn't want anything too chemical-like, so I decided to try out ecoscraps. After opening the package, I liked what I saw and it definitely didn't smell like chemicals and it wasn't blue in color. It was easy to use and even though the instruction was to dig into the soil around the plant, I was just too lazy to do that and end up just sprinkling the base of each plant. It worked out pretty well and all of my plants were very healthy! ecoscraps will definitely be my plant food of choice from now on! 

The shared garden space...
January 14, 2017
Most people that I have encountered are saying the same thing as I am - the snow must go. Seriously, I have lived in Clark County my whole life and snow like this just doesn't happen that often. When it does, winter settles in and stays for awhile. I'm cold and ready for a thaw to happen.

For once I miss the rain.

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