Tuesday, January 17, 2017


On this day two years ago we had a HUUUUGE Cedar Tree in our driveway. It being in the driveway was on purpose - especially after the top of it ended up in the driveway on its own.

It was time.

It was already leaning toward the house. It was really super messy and some of that messy ended up being tracked into the house. It was a neverending battle to keep things tidy.  All. Year. Round.

After the tree was down and thinking for awhile I came up with the idea of putting a hoop house near that spot. One that would be big enough to walk into. I think my first idea was to build these over the existing garden boxes, but then I thought why not build an actual hoop house? After watching some videos on the YouTube and checking out Pinterest we talked about it and tried to come up with a plan of sorts, but all I knew was I wanted it to be something like this:

The project was started way back in August of 2015...here is the early, early stage and design -

This whole project was really just trial and error kind of thing. We had some white PVC pipe that came in a roll and that just did not work out for this project - so that was taken apart and saved for a different project. Off to the home improvement store we went and chose  to use Electrical Conduit instead. PERFECT! After the ribs were put in place life happened and it sat for a few months. The holidays came and went and then it was 2016. It would still be a couple of months before more progress could be made on this and I was getting antsy because I REALLY wanted to get some seeds started. After a few more weeks this is what we had and I went ahead and started some seeds, because it was a nice space and fairly protected.

As with all things that we have been doing in the garden - this is an experiment. Knowing that it would be fairly hot in there we got a box fan and Tom mounted a shelf opposite the door to help keep things not too toasty. I think this year we'll point the fan out and not in. Lessons learned right?

Anyway, back to the point of this post we had a tree in the yard. Now we have a hoop house.

Thanks to facebook and reminding us of the things that happened on "this day in history."

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