Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Three Weeks Later

How is it that it feels like we have had the little chickies for a long time, but it's only been three weeks? This week the Little Ladies are 4 weeks old and boy have they changed! This is the day after we brought these little ones home with us. So cute and teeny-tiny and fluffy!

April 18, 2017
Now we have...

May 9, 2017
Yeah, they have entered "puberty." They certainly have changed a lot in the last few days.  This photo actually shows all of them in (even if it's just a little snippet of them).

These little ladies will be slow to mature, which means that egg production will most likely not start until fall at the earliest. All I am really interested in is making sure they are healthy and happy. 

I think they will be happier once we can graduate them to the mobile chicken coop once they are all feathered out and don't need the lamp as much. The fortunate thing is that they probably will get out on grass sooner than we think and have all sorts of time foraging and doing chicken stuff. 

Still hoping for a rooster.

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