Thursday, May 4, 2017

They Grow So Fast...


Sorry, I know a person who used to say that...

A LOT! And it was just ridiculous ;)

In our case - the birds are  growing SO FAST! The chickie babies are almost 4 weeks old and they are as happy as can be! In the past few days they have discovered their jumping abilities and have been jumping on their waterer with inceasing regularity. It's like one of them sees what the other does and then decides to consider jumping and then does it. WoW!

This happened for the first time after their first outing...brave little chickie!
The NEW thing that has happened is that they are now jumping on the edge of the brooder and just standing there. Mostly because they don't know what to do next. What's happening now is that they are realizing that there is a world outside of those four walls! So the couple of times that has happened I shoo them back in and they look up at me like I'm a mean chicken momma. I am, but that's what I do!
When the weather has been nice (which hasn't been that often) we have taken the birds on a field trip. Last Friday (April 28) was the first outing. They were still the only birds that we had at the time so it was a total pay attention to the girlies time!

This was the first outing last Friday.  
This happened last night - May 3. 
The first thing I noticed when I started picking them up out of their brooder was that they were starting to feel a little more bird like which all those feathers and some developing leg muscles instead of their little baby chickie bodies. They are getting girthy!

Another thing that was fun to see was this...

Look at her wings! She got to stretch her wings a little and get some sun. It isn't the greatest photo...I was just looking to get a group shot of them. The little ladies are jumping a lot and "fighting" each other now and then. Mostly they are just chowing down and getting bigger. They'll outgrow the brooder sooner that we think and I am hoping that they will be a big enough size to live in the Chicken RV for a little while. At least until they are big enough to kind of defend themselves. When they are big enough we'll be able to let them be free during the day so they can forage and be chickens.

Since adding the boys we have had to let them have outings too. If we don't they just cry and cry and cry. Yeah...they know how to tug at those heart strings!

The first time we just held them and they were pretty content. Last night was different. I held Leonard (goose) for a few minutes but then decided that he would be okay to walk around in the grass. It's pretty tall where we have the chickie corral so I knew that he wouldn't be able to maneuver very quickly. 

Lenny was doing so well and just eating on grass and generally enjoying not being held. Tom, who had been holding Sheldon decided to put him down on the grass as well. Well, he made a bee-line to Lenny right through the chicken  corral which surprised the chickies as they stood their and looked at him skeptically. He did stop in the middle for a few seconds but then continued through. He really does need his pal. Although, I'm not so sure that Lenny is all that enamored with Sheldon. He is always content while being held and makes his happy noises while Sheldon is crying up a storm!

Best Buddies and 8 days old.
So these two got to do some exploring in the area where we were sitting and they really enjoyed their dandelion heads and grass. They adapted pretty well - quicker than the chickens. They still don't forage much.

Sheldon & Leonard really don't stray too far from one another which makes me happy. When we were told that geese need to have a friend I wasn't so sure, but they are both pretty cute and have adapted well. They will be a great addition to the flock. I'm just hopeful that the little ladies will appreciate them when they are bigger and protecting them.  Well, that's Lenny's job. Sheldon will just direct the whole operation!

The weather has been so nice yesterday and today. Tom mowed the area this morning and it looks great! Now we just need to get ready for the rain to return. Should be this weekend. This grass will grow fast too!!

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