Friday, May 26, 2017

One Month Old!

The Little Dudes are one month old today! It's hard to believe that we have had them for almost that long! They have been a lot of fun...and I can't get over how they change almost daily!

Just 3 days old when they came home with us almost a month ago.
They are pretty good buddies - sometimes Lenny can be without Sheldon, but Sheldon certainly doesn't like to be without his big buddy.

Lenny made short work of the pac choi in the hoop house and then told me about it...

Sheldon doesn't get to sit in the "pool" very often, but when he can...

I wanted these dudes to be protectors of the chickens, but they have bonded with us - mostly me - and I have to admit that I do tend to baby them a little bit. They might be a little spoiled too.

They have enjoyed being in the sun this week.
The thing I am noticing more over the past few days that they are becoming a little more independent and don't really mind being in with the big chickies and roosters. Except for this morning, they were very reluctant to go into the paddock at all. Generally being little stubborn waterfowl. They were escorted in...FINALLY. We'll see if they want to come out after I get home from work. If they do that would be fine, but if not...well, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Foraging with the chickies earlier this week.
Looking forward to seeing Mr. Lenny all feathered out. His little buddy has feathers on his chest and belly and is quite smooth. He is starting to look handsome! Once Shelly has all of his feathers he'll look something like this -

Not too bad looking huh...

Here's one last video from this morning. Lenny was being extra cute this morning...

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