Monday, April 30, 2018

Magpie Ducklings!

Several weeks ago in my quest to find Magpie ducklings I was able to place an order for just six little ducklings. Most online hatcheries require a minimum order - something like 25 I think. Yeah, I don't want 25 ducklings! THAT would be crazy! It was a blessing to find out that the feed store in Orchards would add my order to their regular chick order. All I had to do was prepay and then wait. The original  date of arrival was April 20 - but that didn't work more waiting.

As it turns out the wait wasn't as long as I thought it would be and I got the call last Friday...we are so happy with these little girl Magpies! We got a bonus too! The hatchery added an extra duckling and the feed store asked if we wanted to take her home as well. What kind of question is that?!

They settled in right away after a car ride home complete with a stop at Starbucks
They are all pretty lively and so much fun and so CUTE...I can't even...seriously!!

We let them settle in on Saturday, but on Sunday since there was a period of time that was sunny, I decided it would be good for them to experience some fresh air and the sunshine. So into a big bin and out to the yard they went. After a couple of hours it started to rain so instead of putting them back into their brooder in the garage, I relocated them to the hoop house where they continued to do cute duckling things while still staying warm. At one point I was out in the hoop house working on some seedlings - transplanting and stuff. They must have run around and ate and drank water for about 45 minutes if not longer. One minute they were running around - then in about a second they were all piled up and napping.

Just. Like. That.

After awhile I looked down just to see this sight...

Could there BE more cuteness here?!
While Tom and I both are smitten by these little girls the two hooligans might have different feelings (maybe).
Shelly was barely able to peek into the tub
Making sure they are still there 
As usual Lenny is cautious and aware that things are different
On Saturday while I was sitting with the ducklings - just watching them...Lenny came in and wanted to see what was taking attention away from him. When he looked into the brooder and saw the little creatures it was almost like he was shocked at what he was looking at. Who knows, all I know is that his world will change forever and for Sheldon too. Maybe for the better for everyone.

Sheldon will finally have some girls to bond with instead of trying to mate with Lenny. Which I'm sure that Lenny will be happy about as pool time isn't as carefree as it once was. Not with the duck trying to attack him. 

Hopefully Sheldon will also let Tom just walk around the property without getting under foot. In fact...yesterday he was running around in the yard with the Shelly and let's just Shel was a little overly excited.

Enough said. 

It will be a couple of months before they will be able to co-exist...maybe...

This should be interesting. 

Until then we will just watch the little girl ducklings play and eat and drink and sleep. 

She's fancy - wearing a beret and black leggings!
Farm Life is the BEST Life!

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