Thursday, April 12, 2018

Not Again... a frustrating TBT

Wow! This flip your Chicken RV lid got serious this time. Last weekend the Pacific NW experienced a lot of wind along with the standard rain that we are used to. Of all of the things that I was concerned about (the new chicken tractor, the panels on the hoop house, etc) I wasn't really focused on the Chicken RV. In fact, neither of us noticed it. As I was heading out to run an errand and drove past...there it was. No pic this time.

Check out what happend...

What made this particular flip more impressive is the fact that the original piece of the frame that was replaced with a 2 x 6 was torn apart with all the strength wind could muster up. Not only that, the ONE sand bag that was supposedly keeping the roof weighted down was flung a distance away from the chicken mobile.  


The last time this happened was during the time that Tom was in the hospital - recap that HERE. When it first happened it seemed worse than it really was - well compared to this time. That time was totally my fault - I didn't replace the sandbag to weight the roof down. 

My suggestion for a temporary roof - using some of the metal roof panels from the big shed and the shed we used to park under. They are perfect, but a little long, but they work. There were three straight pieces and we dragged them over. Perfect! They work so well that Tom has decided to use them for the permanent roof. The chick mobile requires three panels, which will make it much more hefty and would take a tornado to make the whole thing break apart. 

Not bad huh...
It ironic that we would use the metal panels from the big shed. Many of the panels have been warped, bent and ripped off of the big shed...

Because of the wind!

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