Thursday, May 3, 2018

Flip Of A Switch

And just like that we are super busy with stuff on our pig & poultry farm!

Last weekend the ducklings arrived and OH MY GOODNESS...could they be any cuter?!

These little girls have been spending time in the hoop house during the day
To make the Magpie girls day not so boring we started to put them into the hoop house in the afternoon. That way they get some fresh air and actual sunlight! Up until today they have been confined to a big Rubbermaid type tub with pine shavings, food and water. They have been cruising through the water in their 1 quart waterer. They got a new one today! It might last more than 90 minutes of  duckling playtime. Now that they are getting too big to hang out in the tub, the door is open, but blocked and they get to run around until we return. Pretty soon they will be big enough to run around on the lawn. We'll see. I'm not sure that we would be able to do that and NOT let the original water fowl come out to forage. We would certainly hear about it...LENNY.

They have had a few people coming to look at visit them, so they are getting used to people other than Tom and I checking them out. As they are still pretty little they don't get handled by strangers much. That will change soon enough. Although as they get older they will get a little faster, but they may not wander too far away. I guess we'll find out in the next few days.

This weekend we are going to head over to Cascade Meadows Farm to get pigs for our farm! Having pigs will make what we have going on a real farm - for sure! I spent the earlier part of the week in communication with farmer Jason - who gave us the tour back in January and introduced us to their American Guinea Hogs. The prices start at $150 and up to $190 for juvenile pigs. If we wanted to get a pair that were ready to breed that would set us back about $240. Wowie!

I'm thinking younger...we are total beginners and we need to ease ourselves into this particular adventure. I'm excited though...this is going to be GREAT!

Farmer Jason and his AGH 
One day though, we'll have this down and we'll be raising these guys for some tasty pork. Mmmmm...bacon!

The only thing that I really needed to acquire is some sort of pet carrier to transport them home. I spent a couple of days looking on craigslist for something and everything that I found was either in Portland or on the east side. With everything that we have going on, traveling more than 5 miles for a carrier was not going to happen. Fortunately, I was talking to a friend of ours last Sunday and she said that she had a carrier that would work and that we could borrow it....SCORE!

It's Thursday and the week has been a crazy one! My days at work seem to be going quickly - which is great. However, my time at home to do the things that need to be done is short and as usual I try to pack in more than I probably should. I am happy that the days are getting longer not only into the evening, but the morning has becoming lighter everyday!

This evening will be a little rushed - I've got an appointment with the hair magician and that will take a little bit of time, but that's okay. Sometimes I just need some me time :)'s a little tidbit from one year ago...

When the Duck and the Goose were babies
Farm Life is the Best Life!

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