Friday, June 22, 2018

Some Days...

Are just more exciting than other days.

Earlier this week I had to make a trip home during my lunch break to take care of a Butcher Box delivery. I figured it would be a nice and easy lunchtime activity - go home, unpack box and place the meat in freezer. One would think that right?

Well no, that would be just a little too easy. This is what I found on the door when I arrived home:


Well, I decided to take care of the box first and then give the neighbor a call. Really, what I was doing was preparing myself for the worst. She couldn't possibly still be at his house.

It was time to make the call - he did a quick check and said that she was still under the bush in front of his house. Big sigh of relief! Well, that was a surprise! As he told me that she was there I immediately started walking his way. This is such a great way to meet your neighbors! When I arrived we introduced ourselves, engaged in a little chit chat and then I said I needed to get her and get home so I could get back to work. With some help from him, I was able to grab little missy. 

This is where I should describe my attire...

Since I was home on my lunch break I was dressed for work. On this particular day I decided to wear a dress and comfy light jacket. Yep, I'm walking down a residential street carrying a chicken under my arm. Fortunately it was fairly quiet and I only encountered two other neighbors on my way back. Of course those two neighbors had to ask what was up...obviously I'm carrying a chicken! Thankfully, I made it back without any trouble. Little miss became a little agitated once we reached the road, but I was able to keep her calm.

Seriously, I was completely surprised that she had made it so far - that particular neighbor's house is about 500 feet from our house. In chicken terms - that's like a half marathon! I am also surprised that she crossed the road without being hit...yes, there's a joke in there somewhere.

Anyway, while I was walking back I was thinking of where to keep her for the afternoon so she would be safe. It didn't take a second thought as I realized that the ducklings would be fine not having access to the chicken tractor - she is after all a chicken!

Not a great photo, but you get the idea
Later in the evening we decided to clip her wings - so as to remedy her flying problem. She is a wily little thing - so we decided to clip both sides. However, we have noticed since they were about a month old that Javas are quite athletic, so she was still able to jump/fly over the 4' fence. I found this out yesterday as I returned home from work. Little stinker!

Since Tom will be away from the house most of today I decided she needed to be confined (for her own good). This meant that I needed to spend the remainder of my outside time trying to identify and catch little missy. It occured to me that the Javas REALLY like their scratch feed and I know how little missy eats out of my hand. So with a little scratch I was able to grab her to relocate her to the chicken tractor.

I am not one to name my hens, but I have named a couple and we have named her Dora.

Farm Life Is The Best Life!

Even with chickens who like an adventure...

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