Monday, June 25, 2018


Could these girls possibly NOT be Magpies?

Over the past week or so I have been wondering if these ducks really are Magpies. Their coloring is the same as well as some other characteristics such as their temperment and all that.

This is our Magpie drake - you all know him as Sheldon (Shelly)
However, in my quick research on the differences between the Ancona and Magpie, I found that they are related, which is obvious based on these photos. However, Magpies are a Light breed and top out at around 4 to 4.5 pounds. Ancona ducks are a little bit larger and can get to 6 to 6.5 pounds. At this point, in looking at their size now at two months old, they appear to be slightly larger than Shelly. I'm not sure that they are done growing either. A couple of pounds make a difference in smaller animals and I think we'll be able to tell the difference pretty easily.

Also, I have noticed over the past week in particular that the new girls have some feathers that are blue and green. These feathers don't just have a glint of color in sunlight, but in their actual feather color. Shell-Bell has blue OR green feathers only when the sun is shining on him.

One other difference would be the wings. Shelly's wings are definitely not flight specific sort of wings...kind of stubby in a way. The girl's wings are definitely larger and they appear that they could get some lift if they tried hard enough. After some more research, it appears that they are not prone to flying either, so that's a good thing.

Now what? Well, at this point, now that the girls are two months old I probably will not be able to do much about this problem as far a returning them. It's only a problem because I specifically wanted Magpies and potentially have the opportunity to breed them. According to the Conservation Priority list on the Livestock Conserverancy website the Magpie is listed as threatened. While the Ancona is on the "Watch" list...and yeah, they are both heritage breeds. I thought it might be fun to breed Magpies and maybe make a little extra cash for a heritage breed duck.

Even if Sheldon were interested in mating with these girls I wouldn't be increasing the numbers of the Magpie breed. That is the disappointing part.

I don't know...we'll see. Getting rid of them is not an option. I have grown attached to them, I can't imagine not having them even if they are not what I had requested in the first place.

Whichever breed we have we have a nice little flock of heritage breed ducks.

As a side note - these girls are TWO months old! There is always a milestone to celebrate with animals!

Even with disappointing discovery - Farm Life is the Best Life!

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