Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Feeding the Pigs

Rex with Fiona in the distance.
Over the past few months we have noticed Mr. Rex starting to bully poor Fiona at meal time. They each get the same stuff in their bowls and one doesn't get more than the other. We have also been trying to monitor their weight as they were completely overweight about 6 or 7 months ago. Our bad, they wanted ALL THE FOOD and we gave them A LOT.

Back to the issue at hand. When they get their food and they will mostly happily gobble up the goodies and stuff, but Rex was a little quicker with the inhaling of his food and will sometimes wander over to Fionas area. Then he will literally push her out of the way and eat her ration.


This became hard to watch and a few days ago so we decided (or I decided) it was time to put some distance between them. Thus making feeding the pigs a two person deal. So yeah, I need to get out and be more involved anyway.

The trick is to catch the attention of one of them and have the other person lure the other further down the paddock. It's only been like three days with 2 feedings per day and they seem to be getting the hang of the new routine. With time I hope that they will get the routine down and we won't have to try to get someone's attention and walk to a specific spot while avoiding their poo.

By the weekend there will be a new section of Premier 1 fencing and we can separate them and make sure that Rex will leave his missus alone during feeding time and Fiona will have the opportunity to eat in peace.

This would be ideal as we are wondering if she is actually pregnant and would definitely require the extra food/nutrition.

BUT - THAT  is an issue for another day.

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