Friday, August 12, 2016

Baby It's HOT Outside!

If it's hot outside, then it's REALLY hot in the hoop house!

We have a weather station that we used to use in the house, but Tom decided to mount the sensor in the hoop house so that we would know what the temps are at any given moment. 

Early on, right after I got the little itty-bitty tomatoes planted in there the temps were high enough that the hoop house would be quite hot and I was afraid that the plants - as little as they were - would fry. They seemed to do fine...and continued to do fine. Here is the evidence...

This photo was taken on August 6
The plants are taller now than they were when I took the photo and VERY bushy. I spent a couple of evenings trimming the plants to give them some breathing room. Which really means they will explode with growth again. There are 5 Roma Tomato plants and the two tall ones on the left are Mortgage Lifters. The romas are doing great and each plant has many, many tomatoes and we should have a nice crop of them when the time to harvest comes. I was a little concerned that the two other plants wouldn't produce anything, but one has 5 little guys on it and they are growing very quickly. I'm hoping that there will be more of those. They will be nice slicing tomatoes for sandwiches and hamburgers or just slicing up for a side at dinner time.

All of the plants in the HH were grown from seed. This is a good thing. I would rather grow nice strong plants from seed at home rather than buy starts at the store and risk disappointment if they somehow don't workout. Which seems to be the case with the pie pumpkins that I bought from a local greenhouse. The plants are growing, but it's slow. I'm hopeful, but I'm going to remain realisitic about the whole thing. If I don't get an pie pumpkins there is always next year.

Next season we'll be able to start so much more way ahead of time - I'm excited about that! However, before next Spring we'll be trying to grow some fall crops. Hoping that will work out so we can still have fresh produce for the kitchen and for friends and neighbors if we end up with a surplus. 

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