Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Fun Day Away From Work

Took a day of vacation today and thought I would do much more in the garden. Which really means I did NOTHING out there. We had other things to do, so the tasks that I have in mind will wait. Also, the mini rototiller/cultivator is in the process of being put back together. Something went south so it has been "in the shop" for a few days. Once that is all up and running again we'll get the space for the chinese cabbage and onions ready for seeds.

I DID get out to take a weekly pic of the groop house tomatoes and then upon further inspection spied the first Mortgage Lifter tomato!

This is the size of a pea right now!

I was not convinced that my hot house tomato plants would produce anything - it looks like I have been very mistaken. The Roma plants have many little tomatoes and I'm sure that there will be more before the summer season is over! Maybe I will be trying out canning this year after all.

Here is the weekly tomato plant update...

The Mortgage Lifters are about 4 feet tall!

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