Monday, August 1, 2016

The Experiment(s) Continue

I LOVE what's happening in the garden!
This gardening year has been filled with all sorts of experiments. Such as starting most things from seed, planting many plants of one variety of whatever and growing stuff in the hoop house.

Most of the things that I started from seed in trays worked - YAY. However, not all of them survived long enough to make it into the garden - BOO.

Most things that I sowed directly into the garden sprouted - YAY. The deer had an appetite for some of those items - BOO.

All of my tomato and pepper plants survived their transplant into the hoop house - YAY. It took forever to see them start to fruit - booooo (Yay)

Now I am starting to get some fall crops into the garden. This is a new thing for us. It never really occurred to me that gardening could actually happen during fall and winter. So we are giving it a try this year. Yesterday we did the carrots seeds (Johnny's Pelleted). I was a little surprised to see that those could take up to 3 weeks to germinate. This week I will be sowing the chinese cabbage and bunching onions. Maybe the onions will do better than the ones that I sowed a couple of months ago - they don't seem to be growing a whole lot.

For most of last week I was just itchin' to dig up some potatoes and see how those turned out...Tom decided it would be okay to do a plant on the end. We got 3 nice size Red Norlands. I'm looking forward to seeing how many Yukons and fingerlings we'll get. Everything went in a little later than usual and so things are finally harvestable. When other people are done with their harvest we'll still be getting a variety of veggies! Especially from the hoop house!

Things are going pretty well right now even with what I feel is a late start. Next year will certainly be much, much better!
Crazy growth in one week!

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