Friday, April 21, 2017

It's Friday!

My favorite day of the week, especially when I take a vacation day and the sun is shining! What a nice day all week!

First mission for the day was a trip to Wilco to buy some cat food for Mr. Decaf. However, the moment we walked into the store we could hear the peeping in the middle of the store!! Live poultry!! A shipment of new chicks were delivered this morning and they had several different breeds in the troughs. Since we already got our chicks on Monday we just took a look at the new peepers which included Wyandottes, Marans, Cochins...and gosling and  ducklings!

The point was to get the food, but I can never pass up looking at these little dudes when we visit during the spring.

They had Pomeranian goslings a couple of varieties - the one that we wanted were not available, all were already spoken for. So we went with the other. Yeah, I don't remember the names, but I'll get that later. The woman mentioned that there really needs to be a buddy other than a chicken for the goose and they said that a duck would be fine. They both will co-exist with the chickens so that will work out.

So yeah, we ended up putting a gosling and a duckling on hold. They'll call the hatchery to figure out which are males which is what we want. Hopefully they will have the information before the weekend is over.

The Premier 1 poultry fence kit was due for delivery today and it took all day long for it to arrive. Our UPS driver used to deliver to the Fire Station, so it was nice to see Jeff drive in after dinner. He was curious about what we were doing so I showed him the babies...he thought he would have chicken for dinner, but after seeing them...he decided maybe not...Hahaha!

The boxes waiting to be opened! I've seen that most of our favorite homesteading people on YouTube use this fence, so it must be good, right? We'll see how the energizer gets put together and report back later.

So yeah, this homestead thing is starting to take shape. Tom will be off to do some work tomorrow and my big project for the day will be to get the garage all cleaned up after the construction of the chicken condo. There is always something that needs to be done!

One more chickie pic before I sign off...

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