Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Baby Jersey Giants

Here's the Daily Report on the chicks! The babies have been with us almost 48 hours and as of this morning they were very happy and very active. They seem to be thriving!

Their little feeder was getting full of bedding and I was getting tired of trying to get the shavings out of it. So I found a piece of plywood that just happened to be the perfect size to use as a platform for their trough. We'll see how it works out. It took a couple of minutes before they realized that their feeder was on the plywood or maybe they weren't hungry yet. All it took was one. One went over to check it out then all of a sudden the rest were over there checking it out too.

After a little bit of frolicking around their brooder they did this...

I'm kinda hoping that the one with the yellow beak is a rooster - I REALLY would like a rooster. Mostly because I am interested in doing the chick thing with one breed. Why not with these Giants?!

Jersey Giant Fact Of The Day

According to the National Jersey Giant Club:

Giants are the largest purebred chicken. The weight of mature roosters is 11 to 15 pounds and they are usally 22 to 26 inches tall. Mature hens 9 to 11 pounds and usually 16 to 20 inches tall.

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