Friday, April 21, 2017


The one thing that comes up time and time again while I'm watching all of my favorite homesteading people is wood chips used for mulch. Free wood chips no less. I thought that we would continue on with our hobby farm without a wood chip ever being incorporated into our garden beds.

Well...that all changed this week!

While watching Justin Rhodes & family visit Honey Tree Homestead their host, Casey, mentioned Chip Drop. When we were first watching the vlog I wasn't really paying attention. However, after another looky-loo it hit me that maybe this is a national type thing. Did a quick Google search and  found the website and last Saturday. I created an account and requested a load of chips to be dropped off and didn't think much more of it until I got an email YESTERDAY which said that there would be a drop made within 48 hours.


This is what we came home to yesterday afternoon
That was seriously cool! Made my day!

How does it work? Go to create an account and follow the instructions to get on the list to get your load of wood chips. There are some options to choose from as this is a service that helps tree service companies and arborists (where my chips came from). You'll indicate if you prefer just woodchips or loads that contain "logs" which look like thin round cuts of logs or just logs. You can also pay for a delivery if you want to get a load sooner than later. We didn't pay and got a delivery within a week, so if you just gotta have it now go ahead and pay. According to the website the majority of people get their chips for free.There is a space to explain where you would like the delivery dumped. Which is great because the delivery could happen while you are away. Which was the case for us.

This load looks so good! We haven't dug into it, so we don't know what treasures might be inside the pile. I'll take it though...didn't cost us any money. Just a few minutes on the computer and a short wait.

Now...if the weather would just cooperate, we could get the garden all lined out and ready for planting.

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