Monday, May 3, 2021

May Homestead Challenge

Okay, so I'm a day behind AND on the wrong sharing platform. This is a thing on Instagram and today is supposed to be Spring Babies - but I'm going to do a catch up post for May 2nd's Intro day, then Spring Babies...

So, this is me on a good day post morning chores. Actually, this was from last year as now that I'm retired, I stay inside during morning chores and do the post breakfast clean-up. 

May is the beginning of month 5 of my retirement and I have to say that I am finally into a little bit of a groove. I spent 26 years at the Fire District and it took a couple of months to get used to not going to work. I think I have needed to retire for several years - like when we started this who farmy-farm thing. If you read back in my posts you'll see how long ago we've been doing the Pigs and Poultry thing. 

My overall bio has been:

Brain Tumor Survivor-Triathlon& Duathlon finisher-Wife-Friend to Many-Supreme Smart Aleck. I'd like coffee and a book please. It's still me, but I came up with that bio a few years ago when life was much more full and less farm like. Now that I'm older I like life to be uncomplicated - on the farm and in relationships. I've quit doing multisport and my friend circle has gotten a little smaller (thank you COVID). Our overall goal is to meet the people who come by to look (gawk) at the animals. We ARE a spectacle!

If I could just be on our farm and leave only when necessary I think that would be my happy place. 

Visit my Instagram pigs_and_poultry_farm to follow our farm adventures there.

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