Saturday, January 7, 2023

January 6, 2023 - Day 35

The end of the week. By the time Friday rolls around, I find myself a little over the critters. As much as I love the pigs, I get tired of their pushing me around bit by bit, day by day. They are food motivated, but that's a given, they are pigs. I know this, but dealing with this on the daily gets tiring. So by Friday I'm ready for Tom to do the chores on the weekends.

So, the one critter that REALLY irritates me would be our Tom Turkey - Carl. I don't know if all tom's are like Carl, but when I am outside he is constantly gobbling. It is not subtle. He is loud and it's so freaking annoying.

I'm extremely sensitive to sounds. Any little thing that I can hear in the background can distract me so much that I cannot concentrate on whatever I'm trying to do. Someone eating very crunchy food is a big distraction - Carl's gobbling is just as bad as someone eating crunchy food. So my desire to do work outside is low. Sometimes just walking out the backdoor sets him off. I've tried all sorts of things, locking him back into his house, that works, but it takes so much effort to get only him back into his house. I've crouched down and given him all sorts of attention, that keeps him quiet, but then I can't be productive. I think the only thing I can do is just go out to work and jam earbuds in and listen to music or a podcast just to drown him out just a little bit. 

I have noticed that if I walk away to a part of the property that is further than where he would normally go I can find some peace. So earbuds, working at the back of the property has to be my new routine outside. That will only work for so long. At some point I'll have to get into the garden and that will set him off for sure. 

In the afternoon I was able to get out and work on cutting back a little more of the brambles on the big shed. The loppers that I chose are a little on the heavy side, but I'm determined to make them work! It's worth it though, I'm clearing more space around the shed and that gives me a sense of accomplishment. 

I did run some errands in the morning. Back to Harbor Freight for more tarps. Tarps are our favorite thing you know! I have a camo theme going here. I figure camo is better than bright blue. It doesn't really blend in, but at least it's not like a beacon during the day - seems like they might glow at night too. The outside duck shelter, the turkey house and the pallet shelter that Aquila and Priscilla go into each evening will all get a new covering. Hopefully we'll be able to get those onto the shelters on Saturday.

Happy Weekend everyone!

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