Friday, March 17, 2017

Day 4 - the Day after...

Yesterday was the NICEST day all week! It figures - the day that I have a dinner gathering planned.

The majority of the day was spent cooking up a variety of Indonesian dishes that my mom cooked a lot when I was growing up. She was the BEST and I miss her cooking so very much, but I think I do an okay job at recreating what she made with the help of a couple of cookbooks. It's a good thing that I paid attention when she was cooking, so this cooking thing wasn't so much of a mystery when it came down to it.

Even though I didn't do one thing outside, I did check out what was happening in the hoop house. Everything couldn't be happier! All of the seedlings looked really good like they had been craving to be outside. I'm still hoping that my flower seedlings will germinate soon, but they only have been in the hoop house since the weekend.

The hoop house in full production mode. This is a welcome sight! There is a narrow planting bed opposite the potting bench where I had my tomatoes planted last year. I'm not sure what I'll experiment there this year - maybe the Asian greens and bunching onions...I'm not sure yet. I'm not sure if Tom wants to use this space or not. It is only mid-March, so there is time to decide.

There has been no progress on the chicken mobile. Maybe this afternoon. We'll need to get a couple of other supplies before it will be finished. Wheels for sure and some milk crates for the nesting boxes.  Other than that, the cost to build this has been very low. 

A couple of days ago I was going through some really old photos...

June 2, 2002
There was a nice older woman in our church who let us use her old tractor to till up our garden. 

We thought we would grow some roses where the fence is now. What a gnarly looking yard!
Top photo 2003 - Bottom photo March 16, 2017
The beginning of the privacy fence.
I don't remember exactly how long after the house started going up across the street, but I was starting to feel a little like a spectacle while working the garden boxes, I think we started this in 2014. 

Now it will go all around the space where we have the garden boxes to try to deter to furry creatures from coming in and helping themselves to a bit of a buffet. In the before/after picture it already shows part of the fence that comes along the driveway. We thought that the project would be completed this year. However with the addition of the chickens, we'll need to do a wait and see on how that will all work out. 

We'll see what happens today. Our schedule is a little off today as I wanted to wait to run, but then Tom informed me that his appointment was a 8:30. Maybe midday we'll see. 

Hoping to get some stuff done on the hobby farm today!

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