Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Staycation Day 2

Not a whole lot happened around the house or garden today. Rain, there was a lot of rain....

However, since I was able to accomplish the stuff that I didn't do over the weekend I needed to think about what to do today. Even for just a few minutes. My goal is to do something garden related each and every day. Now that Daylight Saving Time has begun it will be more likely that I'll get out and do STUFF!

So, today the trays in the hoop house were rearranged and the trays from the Living Room were relocated to the hoop house - their proper home. It might be just as "balmy" out there as it is in the Living Room. The best part of this is that all of the trays are in the same place!

Today all of the seedling trays are in the hoop house.
Tray on the left are Mary's seedlings - Middle tray are Marigolds - tray on right tomatoes, basil and celery.

OH - there is something else that I did do, I have decided to grow more celery - the four blocks that I have in my tray along with all of the tomatoes sprouted! This morning I started another tray of two rows of 4 blocks of celery seeds. When these seeds sprout I'll start another couple of rows and continue until the tray is full of celery. There are so many different things that I can consider an experiment, but the celery really is the experiment du jour. I was so frustrated that I didn't get anything last year!

Tom did some work on the Chick-Shaw (Justin Rhodes design)...the roosting bars were attached and the corner posts are in place as well. The horizontal piece is just to visualize what the frame will look like.

This picture doesn't show the angle, but the post on the left is 28" and the one on the right is 24" The 28" side will be where the nesting boxes will be situated. That in itself is a future post. A post which will include many of the photos from beginning to the finished product.

Which should look kinda like...

The original Chick-Shaw.
Sometime this summer we'll be carting this thing all over the place.

If you check out Justin Rhodes on the YouTubes and go to his How To playlist you'll see all sorts of vlogs related to chickens. Which is our inspiration. Actually, his whole channel is just awesome - so go...watch his videos now!

We gonna get chick, chick - CHICKENS!

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