Monday, March 20, 2017

Being Inspired

Kickstarter Bonus for the Great American Farm Tour
Sometimes you have to get your inspiration from the YouTubes - we watch Justin Rhodes. I have to be honest, I did not find this guy - Tom did. AND when we first started watching his videos, I wasn't all that impressed. However, the more I watched his videos which was all about their homestead in North Carolina, the more I like him. Everything that he does is intentional and he is more than happy to show his successes along side the failures. Let's face it, none of us know it all! I know I don't. Because of that I choose to look at the things that I want to try as an experiment. Something that you learn from.

Now, the Rhodes family has hit the road on their tour and are posting daily...DAILY! That is something that I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around. Not that they are posting daily, but that they are traveling with their kiddos and visiting all sorts of amazing place and meeting amazing people! You wouldn't think that 24 hours would be enough time.

With that, I'm going to do my best to post here as many times a week as I possibly can. Last week was easy as I was on vacation and updating what we were doing on our little farm. It was an awesome week of being away from the crazy of work and focusing on what matters - getting our dream going.

I'm SO excited - the things that I call experiments are working. My seedlings are doing great! I've got the vision for the garden - which means that the weather could improve and not rain long enough for me to get out and dig out my raised beds. I'm shooting for 9, but I'm not sure.

I'm thinking the JM Fortier/Eliot Coleman way 30" wide by however many feet from the edge to around 3 feet from the fence. The paths will be 18" wide. Whew, that's going to be a lot of work!

We'll see...until the next post, check out the video HERE and give him a like and a follow.

Go ahead check them out...BE INSPIRED.

Seriously...then go HERE for all of his videos!

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