Friday, August 17, 2018

Taking A Day Off

Earlier this week I decided to take Wednesday off. There is a method to this madness of course, my workmate will be off all next week so I need to have a day just to chill and not think about work. AND I didn't want to "waste" a Friday - not another one. Seriously Fridays are the best, there are three of us on this side of the building and the crew across the way. So yeah, it's pretty sweet. Funny how I tend to forget about #4 in the back wing...


Vacation days in the MIDDLE of the week are the BEST!

To start the day of right I got to stay in during the morning chores and hung out and enjoyed my coffee. Didn't even think about going outside...not right away anyway.

After a little while I decided to at least go out and say good morning to the waterfowl and this is how Mr. Lenny greeted me...

Did you feel the love there? Lenny knows what he likes and it isn't Tom letting them out for the morning.

I did get a few things done in the morning working in the garden and checking on the critters here and there.

It's been so hot the past few weeks that we have been trying to keep a little bit of a wallow for the Dynamic Duo. As soon as the hose comes out they know what's happening, but are patient enough and usually eating - so they wait until we are done getting their spa all muddy again.

Canada Thistle harvest
One of the most tenacious weeds out in the garden...the Canada Thistle. Ugh. These were coming up in the space that we revamped not too long ago where the apple trees and discount plants are -

The short apple trees and discount plants area
I was watching the canada thistle getting bigger and bigger and just was putting it off. I finally just went for it. It wasn't bad. However I did a search on google about these nasty weeds...not good - let's just save that for a different post. Just YUCK.

Love Lies Bleeding
I really need to make it a habit to read the seed packages further than how deep to sow the seeds and how far apart.  According to Seed Savers Exchange these are the characteristics of the flower:

  • Annual plants grow to 3-4 feet tall
  • Red seed-trusses ressemble ropelike flowers
  • Sometimes grown as a grain
  • Long lasting in ornamental gardens

It's the 3-4 feet tall part that I didn't catch before. Maybe I did, but that was a couple of months ago. Anyway, I'm glad that I decided to transplant the seedlings along the path and not in front of the flower portion of the garden. Such a pretty flower and interesting too.

The flowers are long and kind of rope like.

Three Sisters
My Three Sister experiment is coming along. The corn is nice and tall and the beans and squash have sprouted. I might get something from the corn and beans, we'll see. There's still time for some disaster to happen - I did spy a bunny hopping through the other day.

It was also Mr. Rexy's 5 month birthday yesterday...he got a fresh mud bath out of the deal...

Mainly my day away from work was spent doing what I love and relaxing as much as I wanted. That almost seems like a luxury while trying to grow up animals and a garden. I wouldn't trade our farm for anything else, but I do like to nap. Just sayin'

Farm Life is the Best Life!

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