Sunday, August 19, 2018

It's Fall Garden Time!

It's that time! Just when you thought that the gardening season was winding down, it's actually ramping up again!

For me it's all about seeing what crops will grow during our wet winters. In the first Fall/Winter garden most things grew and the BEST crop was the Pac Choi! I had several Flower Sprouts which grew, but I think it may have cross pollinated with the purple broccoli that was nearby. Oh, we had a few bunches of purple broccoli was awesome! The one item that I was not happy with was the chinese cabbage - it was eaten up by some bug/worm pretty good. Of course most of the greens did great.

Last year didn't really go well. I don't even remember what I tried to grow. All I know is that not much worked. So I just gave up on it altogether.

This year I've chosen to grow a couple of new things - Kohlrabi and Romanesco and some root vegetables. Turnips for the pigs and Beets for fermenting. Greens and I think that should do it.

I'm a little behind with getting the seeds started - it's been blazing hot which makes the hoop house a super oven. So it was time to clear a spot in the garden garage to set up my soil and trays. It's temporary though...I hope to be done with all of the trays by the end of the month. Who knows, I may look for some more seeds in my inventory.

The Summer garden is just now coming around and starting to produce a couple of veggies. I really need to figure out when I got the potatoes in so I can have an idea how much longer I need to wait before I can start digging. I love growing potatoes!

You never know how many spuds you'll end up with.

Insert photo of garden here.

My photo wouldn't load. So you'll have to use your imagination. Good luck with that ;)

It's time to end this post and start my evening routine!

Farm Life!

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