Monday, August 20, 2018

Mega Post

Okay - Now I think I know what I will do. I'll work on a weekly update on a daily basis. A post of Monday - Friday and then do a supplemental post on the weekends.

Of course, since I am always thinking I just thought that up with this post - but this will be a intro to my mega post and I'll go ahead and start a new post for the end of the week.

Today the smoke/haze was back with a vengeance. Since I spend most of my work day indoors where we have AC and don't have to worry about the Air Quality, I had no idea what had happened since my lunch break.

As of this very moment - the Air Quality for our area is UNHEALTHY. For someone like me who has mild asthma that rating isn't that great. I can still do some stuff around the farm, but that first blast once I left the office at 5pm, yeah that was a little alarming. I didn't realize how thick it was and now I know. Unhealthy is not good.

So at 7:15-ish this is what our sunset looks like...

Insert Photo Here

Again, for the 2nd time in a row, my photo is not available on Prime Photos AND I uploaded it from my phone...AAACK! Maybe I'll post it in the Mega Post later this week.

Farm Life meets technical difficulties.

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