Friday, August 3, 2018


This week had to be the longest week ever! Maybe because I have been looking forward to this weekend! It's Mother Earth News Fair - Oregon this weekend :) YAY...

But first what happened this week?

Well, Miss Fiona is now 5 months old!

Fiona is still as sweet as ever and......hungry. I suppose that is never ending. This week we had a little bit  of  a situation. On Tuesday instead of having dinner and then going out to take care of the critters I had a Click List order ready at Freddy's. So I got home, Tom got into the car and we were off to pick up our groceries.

Well...for some reason ALL of the critters were extra hungry - don't know why. We got home, put the groceries away and ate some dinner. By the time we got out to feed everyone, it was much later than usual. I had already let the ducks and Lenny out...fortunately, they aren't a problem. They'll just forage until we feed them for real.

The problem was Missy pictured above...

I was in the garage getting food ready for them. They can totally see all of this going down, so they are squealing with hunger moreso than usual. I look out toward their enclosure and it's quiet and then I see Fiona and she is basically at the edge of the lawn and coming toward the garage. Guess who was a few steps behind...

Yep - Mr. Rexy decided that making a break for it was a good idea too. So he was trotting along behind Fiona.

It was a little shocking to see them NOT in their pen...but it was easy getting them back since they wanted FOOD!

At first Tom thought that they had broken part of the fence, but as it turns out they just popped the cap off the cornerpost and it was easy to put back together.

Lesson of the day....always, Always, ALWAYS turn the fence back ON.


The Freedom Rangers are now FOUR weeks old!!

These littles are nearly feathered out now. They still are sporting a little bit of fuzz on their heads though. They were moved to a new spot in the yard and also have a "courtyard" area like the Magpies had. I had suggested that as a way to not have to chase them around after they escaped their house. Earlier this week Tom had to chase a couple of the chicks down - so the solution is a win. They are happy to pick at the fresh grass right outside of their door. Next time I think maybe a fence around the chicken tractor would give them the option to "play" on grass and scratch for bugs and other tasty items.

The mystery of Cleo - after more observation last night I still was not convinced of her supposed Rangerness. So I sent one of the photos to Jenks to get a final answer...

This morning I saw that there was a response and it said:

"I see your picture as attached, but I do not see which bird you are referring to. Could you please send me a         different photo?"

Ummmm...what? It's kinda obvious to me. Okay - so I sent this one:

REALLY? This isn't different enough?

After a couple of additional emails, I learned that there Cleo definitely is a Freedom Ranger. She just happened to develop some of the characteristics of the other breeds that were crossed to come up with the Freedom Ranger. Very interesting. He was appreciative of the photos and I am now a little smarter than before.

Lucky us huh...we are definitely going to keep Cleo. She doesn't necessarily like us coming after her, but once she is caught she settles down.

Our big thing this weekend is the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Albany!!

This will be our third year going to this fair. A few weeks ago, I wasn't sure that I really wanted to go. I had looked at the different speakers and thought that maybe there wasn't anything that would be that interesting.

However, once I looked at a grid of the schedule when I could see ALL of the seminars I was able to see how we would be able to check out three different presentations starting at 10 AM and ending around 3 PM. Actually there would be time for another, we'll see how things shake out.

So much going well at home with the birds and pigs! The garden is doing and veggies! I'll post photos soon.

But first...Mother Earth News fair!

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