Friday, August 17, 2018

End of the Week...YAY

A few weeks ago a friend of ours who had just stopped by our house reported to me that there was a bunny in the garden.

oh fine.

I had specifically gotten a short fence to go around the garden. For a while it was working just fine. No bunnies that I could tell. There were deer, but there wasn't much for them to feast on.

Now that we were aware of the bunny I started to realize that I really would like to have a green bean harvest. The beans were really the only thing that was being eaten. I'm not sure if the bunnies were doing the damage or the deer.

Hmmm...what should I do?

Solution: Use a few of the bamboo hoop things and use some netting to keep the bunnies out. Ran into a problem though, I ran out of netting after covering up 4 of the plants.

Well , dadgum.

Off to Parkrose! A bag of popcorn and $10 later I was back in home and finished up my project.

This should do it! The netting doesn't show up, but it's there. In the week that since I got this done the beans have been looking really good. There might even be some beans to pick for dinner this weekend.

Tonight was a no outside project time for me. Had a couple of friends come over for games, but we ended up walking outside and doing a farm critter update. Then into the house the three of us went - Tom stayed outside and did some work.

We shared a big bottle of Two Towns Hard Cider - so good! And spent about an hour visiting. Didn't get to that game after all. It has been a while since we last were together to just connect. It's just what we all needed.

In other farm news...

The remaining 17 Rangers are doing well, there are a couple of little ones, but they will perk up soon enough. They may just be late bloomers. I am hopeful that we'll make it to 11 weeks with 17!

Oh, during my lunch break with Tom our neighbor from across the street happened to come into Starbucks. We visited for a couple of minutes before I mentioned that we wanted to talk to them about putting his older boys to work and having them take care of the pigs and poultry so we could get away for a night or two sometime. He said the boys would love it and that when they come back we could chat some more.

SCORE! It's time to plan a coast getaway!

What would life be like if I didn't have to go to work 40-hours a week.

Farm Life is the Best Life!!!

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