Saturday, August 18, 2018

Really Trying To Post Daily Now

This morning I was supposed to head over to a friend's house to help out with getting a tree cleared from her driveway (?) Anyway, I wasn't one of the original people that was asked to help out, but since Tom would be going I thought I would tag along.

I decided to stay home because...

Woke up around 3 am this morning (again) after another terrible night of sleep and had a awful dream about how we only had 9 or 10 Freedom Rangers left and how I thought in my dream that it wouldn't be worth it to rent the equipment - blah blah blah. I'm so tired and have had a headache this morning. BLAH.

Since I'm not one to just sit around, I did a little bit of work outside so I would at least feel like I accomplished something.

I'll be starting some seeds for the Fall garden soon. This is something that actually should have happened last month, but everything is behind this year - and I'm still working on the summer garden.  So I cleaned up the bench in the garden garage and got some supplies all put together to start that later today.

Also did a little video of my reason for watering the garden the way that I have not been a fan of before -

I apologize for the lack of steadiness...I'm a newb when it comes to doing videos along with narration. Could this possibly be Vlogging?! I hope to get better...we'll see.

This year I also decided to try planting Three Sisters - corn, squash and beans. While I should have started this experiment sooner it seems to be working out okay. I can only hope that our summer will last a little longer. If it does maybe I'll get a few beans off of the plants that have started to vine up the corn stalks.

This is what I have done so far today. I may post again later this evening. Enjoy the day wherever you are!

Farm Life is the Best Life!

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