Friday, December 2, 2022

December 1, 2022 - Day 4

It's DECEMBER?! Man! This year went fast!

Okay, now that I am 4 days into posting here - I just wanted to put this out there. This is basically my daily diary. So if you are not interested in my babbling about this, that and the other thing no worries...don't feel compelled to come back. I promise as we move away from the holiday season, I'll have more time to dedicate to doing all things farm. 

So, yesterday was another running around day. Found a place to drop off my sewing machine for service. A place that is more than 10 miles from our home. Generally I choose places that are close to home. I just don't like to be away from home. Call me a hermit.

The last time I took my machine in for service was nearly 10 years ago. So I was still working and sewing wasn't a high priority activity. However now that I am retired I have more time to set aside to sit down and sew a little bit. I LOVE IT! Anyway, the previous place I took machine to is so much closer, BUT also the wait time is more than a week :( This new place, while not close to home, is FAST! She had very good reviews and I will be heading out in a little while to go pick it up! Oh yeah, my sewing room will be whole again!

Before going home I dropped by Walmart to pick up a couple of items and then met a friend of mine at our church food pantry so she could shop.

The one thing that did happen yesterday that I never expect is that a gentleman left a note for us. Basically he wants to buy a boar. If I didn't have plans for the four boys that are currently wandering around our farm I would totally sell him one of the brothers, Bill or Ted. The former Farm Manager, Mr. Windswept, went and texted him a very curt message telling him that we didn't have anyone available. 


After telling him that he stepped into my farm manager role, I told him that I would contact the guy. This is how we get people interested in American Guinea Hogs and OUR hogs. So, we'll see what happens...

Have a great day!!

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