While I thought I might go run an errand today I decided to spend the day doing chores around the house. Tom's laundry was overflowing in the bathroom hamper and it's something that irritates me. However, he did take a bunch to the basement. That helped out as the hamper drawer was closed. That's just a pet peeve of mine. So, for the majority of the day I was getting laundry done. Not very exciting, but it needs to be done sometime.
Later in the day I decided to do some more work on the brambles on the big shed...
Anyway, not much interesting happening right now. Just waiting to get past the holiday season. I love Christmas, but as I get older I'm not as interested in the holidays. We don't spend time with family because there aren't many family members that we enjoy to be with. So, we do our own thing. Usually cinnamon rolls for breakfast (which this year I plan to make my own) and we just relax all day long, like be truly lazy. The only thing we really have to do is take care of the pigs 'n poultry. This year I want to get some treats for the piggies, some fruit/veggies for fun. They love apples and pears, so if I can find some for cheap I'm gonna bring back a bunch for ALL of the swine.
Speaking of swine - here's Fiona...
She's looking pretty good. I'm really hoping that she is bred again. I think she might be, but we'll keep them together a few more days before moving her out and getting Little Momma in with him. She's the sweetest girl! I'm looking forward to seeing her with piglets again!
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