Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 30, 2022 - Day 29


Buckle up for another boring post about the day...

Today was all about running around and shopping for food, for us and for the critters. 

The morning I made a trip to WinCo, hoping that by the time I was done that maybe the Azure Standard truck had arrived at the drop location. Nope. So off to home I went to wait. Since the feed warehouse doesn't open until 1pm I decided to just wait until my Azure order was ready for pick up. 

By the time 2 o'clock rolled around I decided to check the Azure Standard website... A HA! It was delivered a the regular time and the drop coordinator hadn't sent out the notifications yet. So off I went. First to Leolog to pick up scratch and mealworms - princess duck loves her mealworms. Then off to Edible Acres for my Azure order. I order several grain items to create my own chicken feed for the poultry. That box was on the heavy side and it took all of my strength and balance to first pick the box up off the floor...then try to open my car door to plop it in the back of my car. My wrist...well, I didn't damage it any more than usual I guess. THEN finally to Pioneer Feed for more food for the hogs. I'm so smart, I was there earlier in the week and picked up a couple of bags of pig chow and a bag of Alfalfa pellets for the bins in the garage. When I got home and was wrestling the bags out of my car and hauling them into the garage I was starting to get a little tired and not thinking straight. I opened the bagged WITHOUT positioning it at the top of the open bin...all of a sudden I had pellets pouring out onto the floor! That woke me up! I think I probably spilled out about 10 pounds of the pellets on the floor before getting lifting the bag up. Maybe less...I don't know. I took the time to scoop up a bunch by hand and putting it into the bin. 

I was pretty much over it by that time. I think I fed the swine dry food that day. Anyway, another day of running around done. 

A couple of days ago it occurred to me that we didn't get out to look at the neighborhood Christmas lights - thanks to the ice storm last week. So we went for a drive after dinner...

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