Monday, December 19, 2022

December 18, 2022 - Day 21

Sunday again! As per usual, Sunday is a down day for me and for Tom if he chooses. However, since I don't do animal chores on the weekend, besides my church responsibility, the day is truly a down day for me. 

This particular Sunday did not end well. When my counting partner and I are done for the morning, that's it. I generally do not accept more checks/cash etc, however I will take the money and place it in my folder for the following week. Well, a person came WITH a blank check and wanted me to take a check and just add it to what had already been received/counted. When I informed them that we were done counting they got all huffy and kept going on and on about how ridiculous it was that they couldn't give me a check. I did not get a chance to say I'll take the check, but it won't be included until next week. They then turned around and walked off and yelled something as they walked away. Probably in an effort to make me feel responsible for them forgetting to get their offering in. Let's just say it was very unbecoming of a faithful follower of Jesus and did not make me feel any better about the morning. Which made it hard for me to keep a loving attitude for the remainder of the day. In fact I felt very let down the whole day. 

For a treat Tom suggested take out from Mar's Cuisine which is located at the Country Store in Felida. This was a welcome suggestion as I wouldn't have to figure out something for dinner. 

Also, the tree on the back deck now is full of Christmas lights. 

So, yeah...a couple of things that make my day less maddening. 

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