Friday, December 9, 2022

December 8, 2022 - Day 11

Ted fresh from a nap!

Another day at home, no shower or anything. The focus was on getting the Christmas tree decorated and try getting things tidied up. Mission almost accomplished. The tree is all glitzed up, but the living room still needs help. I spent so much time indoors that I didn't see the critters again until I went out in the evening to feed them their evening ration. 

The weather is really starting to get to me. The gray skies never really affected me until this year. While I was working I was in a nice bright office and didn't really care about the outdoors until it was time for lunch or quitting time. I mean really, during the winter months, I was leaving home while it was dark and going home when it was dark. It's just the way it was. Now I'm sitting around and the gray feels so depressing at times. 

The weather for cast for next week looks VERY GOOD! Starting on Monday the forecast shows little rain and several days of sun balls with some clouds. Just what I need! This will allow me to go outside and do some "fun" stuff. I might work myself silly. 

Before I can look ahead to the dry days, I still have to feed the pigs 'n poultry a couple of more times before I get a break. 

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