Wednesday, December 28, 2022

December 27, 2022 - Day 26

The day after the holiday weekend was a doozy! Kind of like our TV room on Christmas morning.

First lets just start off by saying that the start of winter in the Pacific NW has been "severe." Okay, severe is relative, we don't get the kind of weather that happens in the Northeast - tons of snow, but what we get happens so seldom that we PNW people don't know how to handle what little we get. 

Starting on Thursday it was super cold, it stayed in the 20s for most of the day and for fun, it started to rain that evening. So, cold + rain = Freezing Rain. I'm sure that there is a better explanation for freezing rain, but here is my estimation. I'm no meteorologist you know :D Friday morning there was a thin layer of ice covering most surfaces. It wasn't terrible though. It was okay enough for Tom to make it to work. I on the other hand did not leave the house - there was no reason for me to go out. Not long after Tom left, he was back home again. The powers that be at Otak decided to send employees home due to the weather - with pay! So bonus day off for Tom. It rained off and on throughout Friday and a little bit into Saturday. The good thing is that I didn't have to take care of the critters! Tom, however, had his turn taking care of them during the icy periods. Christmas was good, everything pretty much thawed out and we were back in business. Monday weather was good, nothing spectacular. Tuesday was TERRIBLE! 

It started to get a little windy Monday and only got worse! We had HUUUGE gusts Tuesday. The duck house was blown over, part of the roof on the chicken tractor came off and one of the doors on the big shed blew off the building and into the girls paddock. I didn't notice that until I went to give them food in the evening :(

Oh, and to make matters even more interesting - the power went out late morning and wasn't restored until nearly 4pm. 

I was already having a hard time with the pigs, so all of these things just sent me over the edge. It seems that I'm not able to handle the surprising things in addition to the annoying things. 

Carl on Christmas

Our typical weather day here in SW Washington is basically rain. LOTS of rain. Always raining. The amount of rain varies. A little, some showers or all out downpours. I'll take rain over wind any day of the week. 

So, my outside activities will depend on what the weather. Mostly how much mud will dictate how much I do outside. It's just a mud fest here every winter and I get tired of mucking around all the time. It is more than just mud, we have to add the pig poo in there also. The pigs poop where ever they are standing! So, there are land mines everywhere! Hosing the driveway is a daily thing, depending who you are. I do not like seeing any kind of poo on the driveway...not that the driveway is that great, but still, there are spots that are decent that we don't need poo.

Anyway, the weekend was relaxing for the most part. Christmas morning was fairly cold and we ended up bringing gifts into the TV room to exchange/open rather than in front of the fireplace in the Living room. Since the driveway was icy thru Christmas eve, it was a bit treacherous to go and try to get firewood from the pile. It would have needed to be split too, so that would have added an extra layer of unsafe-ness. 

ALSO - we went to worship Sunday morning! So, going to church made it feel less like Christmas and more like a regular Sunday.

Overall the weekend was pretty good. Weekends and weekdays are all the same to me, except I get the weekends off from taking care of the critters. AND when there's a three day weekend I get an extra day off :D

So, we are heading back into business as usual here at Windswept Farm!

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