Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 19, 2022 - Day 22

Man, Mondays can be hard :(

Mr. Tom ended up having to leave early for work for a start time at a project set for 0700. That kind of changed my morning schedule a little bit. I get comfortable in my daily schedule and on Monday, as most days, I start with feeding the critters. However, since it was still very dark when Tom left I decided to work on the offering from Sunday morning. Sometimes working on the offering so early in the morning is not a good idea. Sometimes, things don't add up or I enter something incorrectly. Not this time! Since I was able to get the offering report done early, I was able to get going to start my errands earlier than I normally would. Also, the critters were hyped up this afternoon. Carl was just gobbling up a storm, for no apparent reason. He is LOUD! The pigs were especially pushy this afternoon as well.

Anyway, once I got the critters taken care this morning, I got myself ready to leave the house to run errands. Craft Warehouse was one of my stops for the day because I'm planning to crochet a Temperature Blanket in 2023. Over the past couple of weeks I've been reading about Temperature Blankets and how to do them and choosing colors etc. The fact that it's crocheting one row a day, I think it will be doable. Also, I also realize that I may get bored of this and then quit. I don't want to quit, I just want to do as much as possible. Now, I'm not much of a yarn crafter, so I'll be practicing doing single crochet until Jan 1 just to get it down in my head and maybe even build up some muscle memory. I'm looking forward to a new challenge for next year. This year I have been reading through my one year chronological bible. I'm on track to finish reading my bible on December 31. So I'm excited about that!

Later after lunch I got to work outside getting food ready for the critters. Then because I'm tired of all the blackberry vines I decided to get back to work on the giant project of cutting them back. 

This past Saturday I started to work on this mess. So far I have cleared just a teeny part of the brambles. As you can see in the photo the vines are EVERYWHERE! All I have are tiny loppers, which I don't have a photo of right now. So the job is going kind of slow. Although, full size loppers won't make the job go faster. They would help though, I'll be able to cut through the really fat vines. I probably should invest in some protective gear. Some of those vines are waaaay above my head. It seems like those might leave a mark or put an eye out if they were to fall on me. So, cutting brambles will be my life for the foreseeable future. Maybe even for the rest of this 100 days challenge.

Look at this guy, isn't he magnificent? This dude and his partner are from our little Cuckoo Maran hen, Joody. She went broody in June this year and we just couldn't break her broody. So after Esther hatched her baby, we got Joody set up in the garage brooder and gave her four eggs. She hatched these two in July. Now, Esther hatched a roo and we were able to sell him a couple of months ago. Then we hatched a couple of roos in the incubator a year ago and we sold the first one who we named Reba. We REALLY wanted a pullet and not a cockerel. We were able to sell Reba along with a couple of pigs earlier this year. So that left the other Easter Egger roo who is definitely Rafael's son who is now named Little Rafael. Now, what to do with this fella. I don't really want process him for meat, he's just a really nice rooster. He shows no aggression at all unlike the Jersey Giant rooster that we ended up with with our first flock. I would really like him to go to a flock nearby and live out a good life creating his own flock somewhere. 

As we get closer to Christmas, I think my farm activities will be at a minimum as I'll be doing some special cooking this week. We usually enjoy cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning, but I have bought Rhodes cinnamon rolls in the past. This year I want to make my own, so I'll be working on that. Also, we each have chosen a meal that we are craving so I'll be making Risotto for Tom one of his favorites. I wanted a big fat steak - so I got a nice Ribeye for dinner this past weekend.

So look forward to more updates from my kitchen escapades in the next few days. 

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