Wednesday, December 14, 2022

December 13, 2022 - Day 16

Coffee Order delivered!

The dry weather continues, but the fog and clouds hang around for most of the day. When the forecast says no rain, it still can be a little dreary. Oh well, at least we aren't mucking around in the mud. 

It was time to replenish the pig feed so a trip to Pioneer was on my agenda. Also needed to pick up a few items at the grocery store for dinner. I decided to go to WinCo first. Whenever I go to Pioneer all I want to do is go straight home afterwards. We have to go north to go to the feed store and going PAST the exit to home is really hard. So off to get people food first! 

The best time to go to WinCo is the morning, forget the weekends! Since I only got enough food for a couple of meals, I'll need to go out again to pick up a few more items - probably a trip to Grocery Outlet next time.

Then off to Pioneer Feed. It's one of my favorite places. The people are so nice there and I love their store cat. The funny thing about the cat is that it was sitting outside when I drove up and when I was toward the door, it hopped up, meowed and ran in the store as soon as I opened the door! He ran behind the counter and started eating. The other thing about this feed store is that they have a store bird - who can be somewhat loud if he is not being paid attention to.

Other than running errands the day was pretty quiet. I've decided that late fall is really not that great for outdoor activities. I mean I would go out and do something, which I did do a couple of things. I have to be somewhat strategic though. Our White Holland Turkey is LOUD. He gobbles whenever I am outside. I swear he just wants attention, even if it's bad attention. When I get tired of listening to him, especially if I am stand right next to him the hose comes out! He scurries away for about two minutes before coming back and starts screaming again. Doing farm chores can be a challenge. So what is the strategery? I left Carl & Cindy locked in their house for the time I was outside during the morning. It was the most pleasant time outside!

After returning from running errands, I felt a little bad so I finally let them out after I ate lunch. Then all the gobbling started up again....sigh...

Tuesday = Tacos for dinner. Since tacos are easy, I decided that it would become our standard Tuesday night meal. Also, I can do different kinds of tacos each week to make it more interesting. No more thinking about what to do for dinner on Tuesdays!

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