Thursday, December 15, 2022

December 14, 2022 - Day 17


For some reason I was feeling pretty unmotivated. One might even say a little lazy. Meh, I'm not going to beat myself up and just go with how I feel instead of what I think I should do.

I had called for a chiropractic appointment the other day and was able to get an appointment for 2:45 this afternoon. So, right away I'm feeling pretty excited about the prospect of not being in pain so much of each day. Sometimes all I have to do is just step wrong and then I have a moment of shooting pain in my back.... :(

Once I was at her office and she got to work...I had a lot for her to work on. Everywhere! When she was finished, I tried to be careful with the chores. Most of the time I step wrong on some uneven ground and that's it. The real test would be sleeping. Which I had pain free sleep! 

I have another appointment next week just to make sure. I hope to get one more appointment after that and then starting visiting her once a month to keep things in check.

Enough physical stuff...

In the morning I went out to check on the boys, they were sleeping in their house. I knew that if I stood at the door, one of them would wake up and the moment would be gone, so here is a not so great photo, but it's a photo...

It's hard to tell, but all four of the boys are here sleeping
I'm glad that they are sleeping here, it's so cold this week. They snuggle into the straw and every day they have little pieces of straw stuck in their hair, it's pretty cute! Or they have this look...

As we get closer to the weekend I look forward to having the weekend off from doing the critter chores. That will allow me to do something else instead.

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