Sunday, December 18, 2022

December 17, 2022 - Day 20

Saturday! My day started off a little on the lazy side, but then I had to get to work. The plan was for Mr. Tom to go and do some Christmas shopping in the morning and then we would head to the feed store to pick up more Alfalfa bales as well as some pellets. 

So, while Tom was out I got to work getting the space where we store the bales. Over the past five months the garage has just gotten more and more disgusting! We have two ducks that live in the garage, like where they want. There's straw and alfalfa all over the floor, because those things are not the easiest to move. Whenever we get a flake of hay for the pigs we are constantly leaving behind bits of the hay on the garage floor. So, mix the hay/straw with water and duck poo and mud that's been tracked in and we got a very gross stinky carpet. Enough space to store the alfalfa was cleared and then I went on to the next project. 

Around our big shed we've got all sorts of brambles. All over the logs that have been in our driveway for the past few years. I am not a fan of brambles. They grow everywhere on our property! We currently are not able to get through the doors to the shed without being caught up on those stickery ropes all over the pavement in front of the shed. So I spent an hour or so cutting vines and raking them away from the building. 

While I was working on cutting the brambles Tom arrived home. I think it was around lunch time so we had lunch and then ran a couple of errands. 

Before the day was over put the short string of colored lights on our old Fake Tree that we have had for so many years. As it turns out, the one string wasn't enough to go around the whole tree, so more lights are coming...

This used to be our second inside tree, but we don't have enough room for both trees in the house so I decided to put this one on the deck. Tom found another string of lights that we'll wrap around the tree when the rain has stopped.

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